Ectomycorrhiza – Structure, Development and Functions

Ectomycorrhiza – Structure, Development and Functions

Introduction The Ectomycorrhiza or ectomycorrhizal root are characterized by the presence of three structural components: Almost all of the plants upon which ectomycorrhizas develop are woody perennials. Ectomycorrhizal associations are formed predominantly on the fine root tips of the host, … Read more

Orchid Mycorrhiza – Structure, Development, and Functi0n

Orchid Mycorrhiza – Structure, Development, and Functi0n

Orchid mycorrhiza is unique because they occur only within the family Orchidaceae, one of the largest families of flowering plants. Although they share some characteristics with other mycorrhizal types (e.g., root cells are colonized by fungi), they differ in that … Read more

Origin of Angiosperms-Theories & Explanation

origin of angiosperms

In This Topic, we discuss a detailed account of the ORIGIN OF ANGIOSPERMS. Angiosperms from the most dominant group of plants with at least 253,300 species (Thorne, 2007). Angiosperms are also found in a far greater range of habitats than … Read more

Binomial Nomenclature – Rules, Significance & Examples

Introduction The binomial nomenclature system is used for giving scientific names to living organisms, in which each species is given a unique name that consists of two parts: the genus and the Specific epithet. This system was developed by the … Read more

Difference Between Black Mold and Mildew


The key Difference Between Black Mold and Mildew is in their appearance. The black mold takes up a fuzzy appearance whereas mildews are flat colony units. Black molds are green or black in color while mildew is gray or white in … Read more

What is Difference Between Petiole and Pedicel


The Major Difference Between Petiole and Pedicel is that the pedicel is the stalk of an individual flower while the petiole is the stalk of a leaf. In botany, petiole and pedicel are two different terms, we use these two terms to refer to two different stalks. Angiosperms are flowering … Read more