Environment-Importance and scope

History of Botany

What is Environment and why do we now notice so much interest in Environmental Studies in recent years? The environment is the sum total of all conditions and influences that affect the development and life of all organisms on earth. … Read more

Plant diseases – Symptoms and signs

bacterial leaf spot

Common Plant diseases – Symptoms and signs Common names of diseases are always based on their key symptoms. These symptoms are described below in detail. Anthracnose: A characteristic lesion is circular to angular, sometimes irregular sunken spot with a grayish-black … Read more

Determination of Cl(chloride) Content of water

Chloride: Chloride (Cl) anions are usually present in natural waters. A high Cl concentration occurs in waters that have been in contact with Cl-containing geological formations. Otherwise, high Cl content may indicate pollution by sewage or industrial wastes or by … Read more

Plastids – Definition, Types, Structure and Function


Discovery: Ernst Haeckel first introduced the term plastid, and Andrews Schimper provided a clear definition of plastids in 1833. Plastids are double membrane-bound organelles inside plants and some algae, primarily responsible for making and storing food. Many plastids are photosynthetic, … Read more

Cell Wall – Properties, Components and Function


The cell wall was discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665. Structure: It is the outermost boundary of the plant cells. Each cell, whether isolated or occurring in tissues, has its cell wall. The chemical composition of the cell walls is … Read more

Iodine test

Iodine test

The iodine test is used to differentiate polysaccharides from monosaccharides and disaccharides. The Iodine Test is a simple yet effective chemical method used to detect the presence of starch and other substances. It relies on the reaction between iodine and … Read more