Determination of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in The Water samples

Contents Theory:PrincipleApparatusProcedureA. Pre-treatment of filter and crucibleB. DeterminationTheory: Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) is defined as the substances remaining after evaporation and drying of a water samples. The remaining fraction is approximately equivalent to the total content of the dissolved and … Read more

Determination of Total Suspended Solids in Water Samples

Total Suspended Solids Total Suspended Solids (TSS) apply to the dry weight of the material that is removed from a measured volume of water sample by filtration with a standard filter. The test is basically empirical and is not subject … Read more

Determination of Carbonate and Bicarbonate in the given water samples

Carbonates (CO3) and bicarbonates (HCO3) in water can be determined by titration a known volume of water against standard H2SO4 using phenolphthalein and methyl orange indicators, respectively. Contents PrincipleCarbonatesCO3 + H    =   HCO3BicarbonateApparatus ReagentsProcedureCalculationsTechnical RemarksRead AlsoPrinciple Carbonates When the … Read more

Determination of Cl(chloride) Content of water

Chloride: Chloride (Cl) anions are usually present in natural waters. A high Cl concentration occurs in waters that have been in contact with Cl-containing geological formations. Otherwise, high Cl content may indicate pollution by sewage or industrial wastes or by … Read more