Layers of Hair Shaft – A Detailed Analysis

Layers of Hair Shaft - A Detailed Analysis

In the realm of understanding hair anatomy, the hair shaft holds pivotal significance. Comprising three distinct layers – the medulla, cortex, and cuticle – the hair shaft dictates the strength, texture, and appearance of our locks. This article explores the … Read more

Difference Between Template and Coding Strand

Difference Between Template and Coding Strand

DNA comprises two strands that coil around each other to form a double-helix structure. The template strand and the coding strand are the two known strands. Though they are part of the same DNA molecule, they have some key differences. … Read more

Golgi apparatus | Definition, Function, Location & Facts

Golgi apparatus

Discovery: Italian cytologist Camillo Golgi was the first to observe the Golgi apparatus, which now bears his name, in 1897. Golgi used a staining technique on nervous tissue called the “internal reticular apparatus.” Location: In plants, these are dispersed, while … Read more

Cytoplasm – Structure and Functions

Cytoplasm - Structure and Functions

The semitransparent fluid is a part of the cell enclosed between the plasma membrane and is called cytoplasm. Therefore the Nucleus of the cell is termed a living substance, i.e., a living substance consists of all of the contents outside of the nucleus and is enveloped at intervals. The plasma membrane of a cell. It is … Read more

Cell Membrane – Definition, Function and Structure

Fig Cell Membrane Structure

Cell Membrane was discovered by Swiss botanists Carl Naegeli and C. Crammer in 1855. Introduction: The cell membrane is also called the plasma membrane, cytoplasmic or protoplasmic membrane. Cell The membrane is the second layer in plant cells below the … Read more

Mitochondria – Definition, Function & Structure

Mitochondria - Definition, Function & Structure

The mitochondria (Gr.,mito=thread, chondrion =granle) are filamentous or granular cytoplasmic organelles of all aerobic cells of higher animals and plants and also of certain micro-organisms including Algae, Protozoa and Fungi. These are absent in bacterial cells. They also contain specific … Read more