Harmful Aspects of Algae | Biology Teach


In This Article, we discuss the harmful aspects of algae like how algae affect different life forms and cause water pollution. Usually, the excessive growth of algae in a mass or in a large area, especially in the plankton’s or floating form, may cause … Read more

Classification of gymnosperms-Characters,Life cycle,Imp..

Introduction: As the name suggests, the division spermatophyte (sperma=seed, phyton=plant) includes all the seed-bearing plants. It has been divided into two sub-divisions The sub-division Gymnosperms (gymnos=naked, sperma=seed) includes simpler and primitive plants of the division Spermatophyta. They are characterized by … Read more

Monotropoid Mycorrhizae Structure, Development and Function


Monotropoid mycorrhizae, in common with arbutoid mycorrhizas, share features typical of ectomycorrhizas and ectendomycorhizas. Monotropoid mycorrhizas have a mantle that is sometimes very thick, and a Hartig net confined to the epidermis (para epidermal). Although the plant species that form … Read more

Lichen | symbiotic organism | Composition, Types


Lichens are composite organisms that consist of a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and a photosynthetic partner, either a cyanobacterium or algae. The fungus provides structural support and protection for the photosynthetic partner, while the photosynthetic partner provides energy for … Read more

The angiosperm life cycle -Life cycle of a Typical Angiosperm


During the development of a flower bud, a single megaspore mother cell in the ovule undergoes meiosis, producing four mega-spores (figure ). In most flowering plants, three of the megaspores soon disappear; the nucleus of the remaining mega-spore divides mitotically, and … Read more