Fire as an Ecological Factor (Fire Ecology)

Fire as an Ecological Factor

Fire as an ecological factor brings sudden changes in the ecosystem. It destroys the ecosystem’s life and affects the entire ecosystem, like plants, animals, etc. The fire factor is related to the environmental factor, which is included in the Autecology. … Read more

Volvox – Occurrence , Structure & Reproduction

Volvox - Occurrence , Structure & Reproduction

Algae can be found in various settings, including soil, freshwater, and the ocean. Due to its colonial character, Volvox is a genus of green algae that is distinct and beautiful. The properties, life cycle, ecological relevance, and future applications of … Read more

Cell Plate – Structure, Formation and Function

Cell Plate - Structure, Formation and Function

As land plants undergo cell division, a Cell Plate structure is formed within their cells. Land plant cells are unique because they have a cell wall made of rigid sugars surrounding their cell membranes, unlike animal cells. Besides protecting the … Read more

Biotic Factors of the Tropical Rainforest

Biotic Factors of the Tropical Rainforest

The living things in an ecosystem that affect other living things or the environment are referred to as biotic factors. Tropical rainforests (also known as tropical evergreen forests) are found in the equatorial regions of Earth and are home to … Read more

Mycorrhizae types and terminologies


Contents IntroductionDefinitionCategories of Mycorrhizal Associations:Arbuscular mycorrhizaeEctomycorrhizaeTerminologyRoot TerminologyReferences:Read alsoIntroduction The roots of about 90% of all plant families have species that are involved in mutualistic symbiotic rela-tionships with certain kinds of fungi. It has been estimated that these fungi probably amount … Read more

Plant Cell – Definition, Structure , Diagram & Function

Plant Cell – Definition, Structure , Diagram & Function

The cell (from the Latin word cellula, meaning ‘small room’) is the basic structural and functional unit of life forms. A Plant cell is covered by a cell wall that provides a definite shape to the cell. Many different organelles are … Read more