Ethylene-Biosynthesis,Transport,Mechanism of action

Ethylene (H2C = CH2)—a gas that is formed in plant organs, being an inhibiting hormone and an auxin antagonist. It was found in plants and fungi and does not occur in bacteria, algae, and animals. It is considered the maturation … Read more

Abscisic acid-biosynthesis,biological significance

Is an inhibitor of growth with retardant action. It is present in all plant tissues. Abscisic acid is an antagonist of auxin, gibberellins and cytokinins. It accumulates in large quantities during autumn, in the period of transition to a state … Read more

Auxin-Biosynthesis,Transport,Mechanism of action

Natural auxins (indole-3-acetic acid = IAA) were detected in different organs of actively growing plants—buds, young leaves, roots and stem apices, cotyledons, etc. and are the only phytohormones that have analogues in the animal world. Biosynthesis The auxin precursor in … Read more