5 Reasons Viruses are considered living  or non living

Human Coronavirus Structure

Introduction The virus is a microscopic infectious agent that replicates its genetic material using a process known as ‘infection’. Viruses are tiny infectious agents that infect living cells. They are the most diminutive known forms of life on earth and … Read more

Difference Between Coronavirus and Influenza virus

Coronaviruses and influenza viruses are both capable of causing respiratory disease in humans. However, there are significant distinctions between the two: Coronavirus Vs Influenza virus Summary – Coronavirus vs Influenza Coronavirus is a vast family of viruses that causes a wide … Read more

Importance Of Bacteria-Beneficial Prokaryotes

Five kingdom system of classification

Prokaryotes were largely responsible for creating the current properties of the atmosphere and the soil through billions of years of their activity. Today, they still affect the Earth and human life in many important ways. Prokaryotes are involved in cycling … Read more

Bacteriophage Life Cycle

Bacteriophages (both singular and plural) are viruses that infect bacteria. They are diverse, both structurally and functionally, and are united solely by their occurrence in bacterial hosts. Many of these types of bacteriophage, called phage for short, are large and … Read more

Viruses-Structure and Nature of Viruses

The Nature of Viruses All viruses have the same basic structure consisting of a core of nucleic acid surrounded by protein. This structure lacks cytoplasm, and it is not a cell. Individual viruses contain only a single type of nucleic … Read more