Arbutoid mycorrhiza Development, Structure,and Function

Arbutoid Mycorrhiza Definition:(Arbutoid mycorrhiza) Arbutoid mycorrhiza are found in two families in the order Ericales, the structural features of the mycorrhizas and the fungal species involved are distinct from those of other members of this order. In certain aspects, they resemble … Read more

Botanical Names of common plants

Botanical Names of common plants

S/N Botanical Name Local Name Family name 1 Atropa accuminata Bargak solanaceae 2 Agrimonia eupatoria Gul e ghafas rosaceae 3 Ammi visnaga spairkay apiaceae 4 Andrachne cordifolia Karhcai(gulpinsa) phyllanthaceae 5 Abies pendrow Pinus species pinaceae 6 Abelmoschus esculentus Bendy malvaceae … Read more

Applications of Ecology

Applications of Ecology

Discover the diverse applications of ecology in our latest Article. Explore how this field of study contributes to understanding ecosystems, conservation efforts, sustainable development, and more. Introduction to Ecology Ecology is the study of the relationship between organisms and their … Read more